New Start!

Due North Noise!!

Do you ever wonder what it is that we talk about when others aren’t around,  things we read, or listen to, perhaps you just want to get a little more insight into some other concepts in fitness, this is going to be the spot 

This is going to be the first post of our new Blog!  This is something that we have been wanting to do and it is all because of YOU! Without YOU, we wouldn’t be here.  As we get better at this it will evolve to become a bit more entertaining for sure, but bare with us as we get our blogger hats on!

This is meant to help inspire you, to get you asking questions, to get you thinking in different directions, to challenge us, or share ideas that you have found to be helpful for you.  We are growing up and with us doing that, it becomes harder to communicate as well as we want and this is our opportunity to do that.  

Recent Inspiration

As many of you know we (Josh, Jess, Alysia, and myself) went and did our CrossFit Level 2!  I am happy to announce that all of us passed!

new start

Unlike Chuck here, this did not include how to wear a cut off jean shirt! However, one of the major topics was Optimizing Program Design.  

CrossFit is defined as “constantly varied functional movements executed at high intensity,” with the goal to develop fitness that prepares one optimally for any task imaginable.  

This is why many of you have noticed some tweaks to the programming and the structure of the classes.  Whether it is warm ups, cool downs, relentlessness on technique, variations in programming, or just a more specific style of coaching.  It is all building on these lessons that we learned and being willing to be humbled to be able to provide a better service to you.  

We are focusing on these 6 Major components:





Group management 

Presence and attitude

This means we are providing YOU the best service possible and allowing you the optimal chance to build on your efforts.  We are always open to feedback and strongly encourage that. But as we saw the way we were doing things before wasn’t as good as we wanted to be.  We owe it to you to be the best we can be.

Along with an amazing community and incredible coaches we want to build on this simple idea right here!


new start 2

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